
On Tuesday, the girls at my office through me a fun bridal shower at the Carriage Club. Patrick and I received all kinds of lovely things for our new house…if we ever close on it.  Then today, my niece (who is my maid of honor) hosted a bridal shower for my family and friends.  It was lovely.  There were typical bridal shower games and of course wonderful gifts and lots of time to chat with friends and family.  I can’t believe that in two weeks I will be married to Patrick!  I can’t wait!!!

Generous gifts and sweet cards make me blush.

Dish towels from my Aunt Mary Jane.

Cute retro popcorn popper from my cousin, Christen.  I think Patrick said this was his favorite gift.  He does love his popcorn.

Gumballs.  I loved all the pink!

My niece cut the tops off of gerber daises and had them all over the table for decoration.  It was quite cute.  Love the black and white plates and cups.  That bowl back there got filled with an amazingly addictive citrus punch.

My niece made the cupcakes (strawberry) and decorated them herself.  Super cute!


St. Patrick

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

So in Love

So there’s this boy. I met him…online…and then at Starbucks. Quickly after that first meeting I became smitten. Completely smitten. He has the most amazing eyes. They are this gorgeous blue green color that literally sparkle when he wears anything blue. When we first met he had this long hair that was sorta rockstar sexy. Now his hair is short, but he is still one sexy rockstar to me. He has this completely amazingly sweet personality that makes me swoon. He’s always polite and romantic. He can make me laugh like no one else. It was quickly after we met that I knew. I knew that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. He’s the one I want to marry. I want to have babies with. I want to grow old with. He’s my perfect match. My soulmate. I could not imagine my life without him. Seeing him, getting a text from him, just the thought of him always brightens even the darkest of my days.

I love you, Patrick. I’m so thankful that I have you in my life.


Thoughts and prayers are going out to all those touched by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around what I saw on the news this morning.


Ten days till Spring. I could not be more ready.

We have had so much snow, ice, and bitter cold this winter that I’m desperate to move out of Missouri. I keep begging the boyfriend to move some place warm. I just want to be warm and see some sunshine. So I’m so ready for Spring to get here.

Besides, Spring means baseball season and that is always a good thing. Especially, because it means lots of Friday Night Fireworks games with my love.


Go see the Adjustment Bureau. Right now. Just go. Trust me.

It was quite good.

Now for the spoiler-ish alert. If you haven’t seen it, don’t read on, or do, because it’s not really very spoilery.

Ok, so the movie has me thinking about the whole idea of free will and what does that really mean. I mean, as a Christian, I’ve heard and said, “it’s all part of God’s plan,” about a million times. But if we really do have free will then how does God’s plan fit in? And if God has a greater plan for us all then do we really have free will? I mean if God’s plan is for Stacy to marry Jim, but Stacy thinks Dan is “the one” and breaks up with Jim to be with Dan then what happens to God’s plan? Is it rewritten or are we diverted back on path? I’m not really sure there is answer, but it’s got me thinking…


Every time I open WordPress, I intend to make it a daily habit. And yet, every time I fail at returning. It’s not that I have nothing to say. Honestly, I’ve never had more to write about. I just can’t seem to find the time or the words to put it down on the page.

I’ll start simple. Work. It sucks. It’s a job and it pays the bills, most of the time…

But, on the bright side, I have finally met the man of my dreams (yes it’s the same one I mentioned in the previous post). He is amazing. This month marks 7 months that we have been together, and I couldn’t be happier or more head-over-heals in love. He truly is everything I ever wanted and so much more. Yes, I do realize how sappy that sounded. I can’t help it though. I feel like I’m living in some romantic movie and I’m continually spouting lines that should be on a Hallmark card. 🙂 It makes me happy.